
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


  I think that is very difficult speak of only one website that i like, personally i follow more of one website especially in instagram. In this post i will talk of website that habituate more, the link I'll leave it next: -                  -   https://instagram.com/chileglaciar?utm_medium=copy_link The name website is "ChileGlaciar" in he, continually photos of glaciers located throughout the territory are published, although mainly those that are in the extreme south. This site corresponds a   tourism page, although more than to plan or manage a trip within the same site, this page shows you options of where to go with a small historical review of the place, also touristic information and nationals parks schedule. i really like this site because photos its very beutifulls and also video's. We live in beutiful country and this photos i think should help undestand than is it is our duty to take care of it and pr...